
What is TDAP Registered Lab: Essential Information

What is TDAP Registered Lab: Essential Information

Envi Tech Al is now registered with (TDAP) Trade Development Authority of Pakistan. TDAP is a dynamic organization to foster trade development and promote exports globally. TDAP, a successor to the Export Promotion Bureau (EPB), operates as a dedicated, empowered, and professionally managed body.

Roles of TDAP

Assisting the government in formulating export policies and setting export targets.
Monitoring exports and implementing export strategies effectively.
Recommending the establishment of export-oriented industries.
Issuing GSP certificates.
Enhancing the competitive edge of the export sector.

Environmental Testing Lab

Skill Development:

Establishing training institutes to enhance capacity development in sectors such as Textile, Leather, Surgical, Jewellery, etc.
Conducting seminars on export-related issues.
Assisting industries in adopting ISO-9000 and 14000 standards.

In today’s world, environmental labeling or “eco-labeling” plays a crucial role, given the increased awareness of environmental protection. Consumers, industrialists, technologists, and society as a whole consider environmental factors when making purchasing decisions. It serves as a guarantee that a product is environmentally friendly throughout its lifecycle, meeting both voluntary and mandatory requirements. Environmental labeling promotes products and services as being less harmful to the environment than similar alternatives.

TDAP eco-label scheme is voluntary and open to manufacturers from both EU and non-EU countries. Manufacturers are not obliged to apply for the eco-label. The criteria for awarding the eco-label are defined based on product life cycles, with the commission responsible for adopting and revising these criteria. A new product group can be proposed by either the commission or a competent body.

Envi Tech Al is dedicated to facilitating manufacturers and importers to help them with their environmental requirements including TDAP. Promoting sustainable growth in exports, and creating a favorable business environment for Pakistani exporters.

Envi Tech AL is now officially recognized as a trustworthy, competent, and reliable testing laboratory. This means that our clients can rest assured that the test results provided by Envi Tech AL meet the highest international standards, enabling them to make informed decisions that impact their business and the environment.

Envi Tech AL is proud to be ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditated and is committed to continuing to provide exceptional service to our clients. We thank our clients for their continued support and trust in our services, and we look forward to working together to support their future endeavors.

Envi Tech Al is one of the leading environmental lab & consultancy firm in Pakistan, having its head office in Karachi & regional office in Lahore. Envi Tech Al is completely eq​uipped to offer Analytical & Environmental Lab in Lahore and Karachi. with our professional team. Envi Tech AL is Sindh EPA approved lab having Green Lab certification (Gold), Registered with TDAP, Member of PLGMEA, ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 certification. The lab has achieved ISO/IEC 17025:2017 accreditation from PNAC.

We offer Environmental consultancy services to our valued clients to meet local EPA regulatory requirements (EMP, EMR, HSMP, IEE, EC, ESR & EIA).Envi Tech AL, assists industrial partners to achieve environmental, technical, social, regulatory compliance and modern certification by providing them technical advisory and Water Testing Lab. Our competent and professional consultancy team members share their explicit and tacit knowledge to serve our partners.

0310 2288801

345, First Floor, Street-15, Block-3,
Bahadurabad, Karachi. 75900, Pakistan.

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Azhar Iqbal

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