
Training on Environmental Management at Marriott Hotel, Karachi

Training on Environmental Management at Marriott Hotel, Karachi

Envi Tech Al hosted a One day Certificate Training performed at Marriott Hotel, Karachi. Participants from the Karachi received one day training on Environmental Management. The event was organized by Envi Tech AL. Mr Imran Kazmi (CEO) facilitated the training.

During the training workshop, participants were trained on environmental management values, ethics, rules, regulations & Environmental awareness associated with organization.

Training on environmental awareness encourages employees to consider the environmental impacts of their choices in the marketplace and actions (ex. producing reduced or no-plastic packaging. Printing avoidance and consolidating shipping rail against Air delivery).

Training can help employees increase their awareness of the environment in order to better understand the ways in which their work and actions as employees can have an environmental impact. The training in environmental awareness helps to reduce the risk for the company that comes with the environmental impacts of its actions.

For Future Training Events, Inquire our Phone Number +92310 2288801

We offer Environmental consultancy services to our valued clients to meet local EPA regulatory requirements (EMP, EMR, HSMP, IEE, EC, ESR & EIA). Envi Tech AL, assists industrial partners to achieve environmental, technical, social, regulatory compliance and modern certification by providing them technical advisory and Water Testing Solutions. Our competent and professional consultancy team members share their explicit and tacit knowledge to serve our partners.

0310 2288801

345, First Floor, Street-15, Block-3,
Bahadurabad, Karachi. 75900, Pakistan.

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Azhar Iqbal

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