Envi Tech Al – Annual Dinner – Gift Distribution Event
We at Envi Tech Al had an Annual Dinner Gift Distribution to our Dedicated Team. We enjoyed together and appreciated each other’s role in the success of becoming one of the best Sindhh

We offer Environmental lab Karachi services to their valued clients to meet local EPA regulatory requirements (EMP, EMR, HSMP, IEE, EC, ESR & EIA).Envi Tech AL, assists industrial partners to achieve environmental, technical, social, regulatory compliance and modern certification by providing them technical advisory and Water Testing Solutions. Our competent and professional consultancy team members share their explicit and tacit knowledge to serve our partners.Envi Tech AL is proudly serving in Textile, leather, footwear, pharmaceutical, food industries, construction, Oil & Gas, Fertilizer and energy Sectors in Pakistan.
0310 2288801
345, First Floor, Street-15, Block-3,
Bahadurabad, Karachi. 75900, Pakistan.